

SMILIX スウェットバリア 金属アレルギー対策 コーティング剤 ハケ付き〔日本製〕12g入【送料無料・お届けまで約1ヶ月】

SMILIX スウェットバリア 金属アレルギー対策 コーティング剤

・世界を笑顔にする SMILIX(スマイリクス)専用仕様で、まずは日本の皆様からお届けしています。




お出かけ前の30秒で乾燥。長時間効果が持続します。 ピアスやネックレスなどのチェーンにも使用できます。金属以外の部分(天然石・繊維など)に塗布しても大丈夫です。



調査結果    満足度100%(たいへん満足:77% 満足:23% どちらとも言えない・不満・たいへん不満:0% )
調査人数    153人(内金属アレルギーの方は91%)
実施期間    2022年5月9日〜 2022年6月13日
調査方法    トラミー(株式会社アイズ)

SMILIX Sweat Barrier

What is “Sweat Barrier”?
Sweat Barrier, a coating agent, opens the door to a world of freedom for those who have given up on a number of accessories due to concerns about nickel (metal) allergies, and to be able to choose without worrying about the material!

Have you ever…
always feeling itchy when wearing your piercings?
see your skin turn red due to your necklace?
annoyed and impatient because of rings and watches you wear?
want to enjoy being fashion-conscious with your favorite accessories without paying attention to materials?
“Sweat Barrier” will make your wishes come true!

Why did we developed it?
KAGEYAMA Hitoshi, one of Japan’s leading developers of industrial coatings, has been developing coating agents for accessories for his wife, who suffers from nickel (metal) allergies, along with his main work. In 2020, he succeeded in developing Sweat Barrier, an anti-allergy fluorine coating agent.
Thus, he decided to bring Sweat Barrier to people suffering from nickel (metal) allergies* around the world.
(*According to Wikipedia, 17.1% of women and 3% of men suffer from nickel (metal) allergies.)

What have we achieved so far?
We founded Suffix Co., Ltd. to bring Sweat Barrier to all people suffering from nickel (metal) allergies.To enhance the safety of the manufacturing environment, we set up our base in Nagano Prefecture, one of the cleanest places in Japan, and as soon as we started selling our products in the Japanese EC market, they gained overwhelming support on Amazon Japan and Rakuten Market.

What is our mission?
We will fill the earth with smiles and contribute to the realization of world peace by supplying the world with a coating agent for accessories that prevents nickel (metal) allergies by allowing users to apply it themselves.

What can we tell you about “Sweat Barrier”?
1. Easy: All you do is apply it to your accessories. Anyone can coat without failure!
2. Fast: Waiting time is only 30 seconds, but it lasts for a long time!
3. Secure: No stimulation or toxins in the skin! (by JIS standard
4. Safe: We make the coating agent entirely in Nagano, Japan.
5. Fair: No expiration date, use until the last drop.
1. Easy: All you do is apply it to your accessories. Anyone can coat without failure!
The liquid is as smooth as a lotion and easy to handle. It is manufactured with the latest fluoride chemical technology for safety and security, so anyone can apply it without failure. 

2. Fast: Waiting time is only 30 seconds, but it lasts for a long time!
Ready in about 30 seconds!
You can apply the agent quickly using whatever you have. It is safe even if it gets on non-metal parts (jewelry, textiles, plastics, etc.). As the film is only a few microns thick, it won’t change the appearance of the accessory such as its luster or texture.

3. Secure: No stimulation or toxins in the skin! (by JIS standard)
Safe to use. No skin irritation (by JIS standard). No hazards (JIS standard). No unpleasant odor!

4. Safe: We make the coating agent entirely in Nagano, Japan.
From Nagano to the world!
Up the smiles of the world by 10%!
*It’s estimated that one out of ten people have an allergy to metal.
We do every process from planning to making entirely in Japan, so you can use it without any concerns.

5. Fair: No expiration date, use until the last drop.
Sweat Barrier has no expiration date. You can use it to the last drop. It can be applied to the piercing post about 1000 times(*).
*For one-time application, but it depends on the environment of use.

In case you apply it with a brush or a cotton swab:
Apply the liquid to a brush or cotton swab, and let it dry for 30 seconds.
*You can use any brush, including an eyeshadow brush.

In case you dip in the agent:
Turn the lid of the bottle to open it, soak the accessories in the liquid, and pull them out immediately.After pulling out, let it dry in the air for about 30 seconds or until finished.
If it does not fit through the mouth of the bottle, transfer the liquid to another container for dipping.Do not throw away the remaining liquid.(You can use any material as the container)

Reactions and Test Results
First Prize for Amazon Wish-List ranking (in category)
Pre-Grand-Prix of Shinshu Venture Summit (2020/11/28)

Customer’s Voices
There was no change in the appearance of either the jewel or the metal, and I had no problem leaving it on for 20 hours at a time when I was starting to sweat. It dries quickly, doesn’t have any strange smell, and is easy to use, yet works great! I’m impressed that even when I use it on a small, thin chain ring, it still feels great. (Female, 20s)

I had a collection of slightly pricey earrings with designs I really liked.I didn’t want to put a sticky coating on my expensive earrings, so I searched for a resin cover for the shaft if it was a straight design, but came across this product.I ordered it with such high hopes that it would work well for my expensive earrings, without ruining the design like resin covers and without being too thick like other coatings!

When I wear an accessory without applying any coating, the contacting part immediately got hot and itchy, and I couldn’t stand it.I was battling the itch for days after that. However, it has no problem with “Sweat Barrier”.I can’t wait to try it on my other beautiful earrings that remain in my room.I really thought I would never be able to wear my favorite designs again.But thanks to this product, it makes it possible! (Female, 50’s)

I regret so much and should not have given up the accessories of the past that I gave up. (Female, 30s)

Here’s how “Sweat Barrier” is tested by public institution:
Reduces the causes metal allergies by about a factor of 20! Excellent results have been reported in third-party tests.
The cause of metal allergies is sweat-induced metal leaching. By applying the “Sweat Barrier” to accessories, the amount of nickel and other metal ions eluted can be significantly reduced. This effect has been confirmed by a third-party organization using the European legalized test method (EN1811).

Details of testing
Test item: Nickel elution test
Test for products in which nickel-plated metal comes into direct and prolonged contact with the skin.

Acceptance criteria for products: 0.88 or less (unit: ug/cm2/week)
Products coated with the Sweat Barrier: 0.52 (passed)
Products without the Sweat Barrier: 11.00 (failed)

Date of implementation: May 20, 2020
Inspection organization: Japan Safety Testing Institute for Cultural Products (Higashi Osaka City, Osaka Prefecture)

Product specification  Manufacturer 
Product Name SMILIX Sweat Barrier
Use  Fluoride Coating Agent for Accessories
What to apply Accessories: Piercings, Necklace, Pendant-top, Ring, Watch, etc.
Component Fluoropolymers / Fluorinated solvent
Stimulation in the skin None (by JIS standard)
Toxic Level  None (evaluated according to the UN-GHS
Description  colorless~pale yellow transparent liquid
Inflammability None
Content Volume 12g (ca 7.9ml)
Place of origin Japan
Container (Main) Glass Bottle, (Lid) Plastic, (Box) Paper
Others The design of the label, container, and outer packaging is subject to change without notice.

Name    Suffix Co., Ltd.
URL    https://suffix-w.co.jp
Representative    KAGEYAMA Hitoshi
Naganoasahi82 Bldg. 1597-1 Nishigocho, Nagano-city, Nagano, 380-0845, Japan
TEL +81-26-217-0744.
Suffix Co., Ltd.








